Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I'm leavin' on a jet plane

"My bags are packed and ready to go," and my flight leaves in about 45 minutes. I look forward to getting over this nagging cold I have had for over a week, and getting in some sweet riding. I finally finished the two college applications my mom was making me finish before I left, at 8:30 last night, which was when I was supposed to go to bed to get adjusted to the time difference. After finishing those, I still had the bulk of my packing to do. It was a long night, and I didn't even finish packing until this morning. I have learned that it is definitely not my area of expertise. When I began to move my bag to the first floor, I realized it was not the easiest to pick up. I put it on the scale, and it was 58 pounds. Crap. I had to shift, rearrange, and take out a bunch of junk, and then when we arrived at the airport it was still 5 pounds over! As I really didn't want to take anything out, we were going to pay the overweight fee... that was until he told us it was a whopping 381 dollars! My family and I scurried to remove the extra stuff, which we did, much to my dismay, and now I am here at the gate. I'm really excited to embark on this trip, and do some awesome bike racing. It'll be tough, but should be cool, and a really good learning experience. Thanks for reading, and to the few of you who did, I hope you enjoyed. I will try to update this again when I arrive.


jkwarbasse said...

Good Luck!Have a great trip!Ican't wait to hear about your racing in Belgium! jkwarbasse

eawarbasse said...

Hi Larry!
I hope you did well on your race today and I hope to hear from you soon!

Larry3 said...

Hope you are learning how to manage those cobblestone streets. I really enjoyed reading your blog.

Unknown said...

Hi Larry! Lia and I are really proud of you, and can't wait to hear more about your European racing tour! :)

Unknown said...

hey larry, great article in the paper last week. good luck with the racing over there.
ty schmidt

Logan VB said...

leavin' on the gay plane. update this thing!

James Anderson said...

Good luck in Europe.

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Larry! Great pictures and commentary. 7th hour Honors World Lit. is behind you all the way!