Sunday, April 27, 2008

Here we go again

So it's been about 8 months since my last entry, and as many of you already know (at least I think the only people who would possibly be reading this know), that I am headed off to Europe again, from tomorrow, April 28th, until May 19th. It should be an awesome trip, with some racing at our home base in Belgium, and stage races in both the Czech Republic and the Netherlands.

As of right now, I am pretty much packed, although I have a few more thigns to stick in the bag, and then I must clean my room. That is pretty much the main reason I am writing this entry right now, I don't feel like cleaning my room, but ya know...

I decided when I made this blog, that it would only be for my European trips because if I really updated for these past 8 months, it would have probably deterred more readers than it brought in. To summarize in an extremely long sentence, I got home from Belgium, went to school, rode all fall on dirt roads after dark with lights because the sun went down so early, didn't really do a whole lot all winter other than ride in the frigid northern Michigan weather and spend a few hours on the trainer, went to California in February for a 2 week training camp, then to Tucson, and finally I am here. I have to thank Jeff Koch for being such a good training partner, because if it wasn't for him, I would be about 200 miles per hour slower than I am right now... He is the person who got me to ride all fall and all winter, even if it did kind of, well, suck. Haha, it wasn't all that bad, but I would just rather ride for three hours in the seventy degree sun and enhance my infamous tanlines, rather than ride for three hours in the fifteen-degree frostbite worthy snowstorm weather where my face was so cold I could hardly speak, nor could I drink because my water bottle was frozen solid. It's all good though, I'm here, ready to go. I am so pumped to fly out tomorrow, and start racing all these crazy fast European kids. It should be good.

For anyone out there who actually read this, I hope you enjoyed. Keep coming back. Please?
Above is a picture of Tom Boonen and I from my trip to california...