Monday, August 27, 2007

Izegem so far...

A Sweet Car
The Town Square in Kortrijk
The Wall (really large vending machine 2 blocks away)
They have these bread machines everywhere
The House

These are some pictures of around Izegem, BE where we are staying. I have done two races so far, both kermesses. They are hard races, with attacks about every 10 seconds. In the first race, I missed all the moves that went, and ended up finishing 32nd. I was a little disappointed, so I decided I needed to be much more active the next race. I attacked too many times, and ended up a little burnt out for the end placing 18th. The atmosphere at these races is super cool though, with the registration being in a local cafe. Outside, there are a bunch of old guys betting on the different juniors in the races, and the write the wagers on these big white boards. There is quite a bit of prize money too, and I have won a total of 17 euros! Looks like I will be pretty rich by the time I get back. Well, that's it for now, when something eventful happens I will post again. Thanks for reading.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I'm leavin' on a jet plane

"My bags are packed and ready to go," and my flight leaves in about 45 minutes. I look forward to getting over this nagging cold I have had for over a week, and getting in some sweet riding. I finally finished the two college applications my mom was making me finish before I left, at 8:30 last night, which was when I was supposed to go to bed to get adjusted to the time difference. After finishing those, I still had the bulk of my packing to do. It was a long night, and I didn't even finish packing until this morning. I have learned that it is definitely not my area of expertise. When I began to move my bag to the first floor, I realized it was not the easiest to pick up. I put it on the scale, and it was 58 pounds. Crap. I had to shift, rearrange, and take out a bunch of junk, and then when we arrived at the airport it was still 5 pounds over! As I really didn't want to take anything out, we were going to pay the overweight fee... that was until he told us it was a whopping 381 dollars! My family and I scurried to remove the extra stuff, which we did, much to my dismay, and now I am here at the gate. I'm really excited to embark on this trip, and do some awesome bike racing. It'll be tough, but should be cool, and a really good learning experience. Thanks for reading, and to the few of you who did, I hope you enjoyed. I will try to update this again when I arrive.